Surprising Connection Between Low Mood and Oral Health


Brushing and flossing regularly are crucial for the maintenance of oral health, but optimal oral health goes beyond these healthcare measures. Similar to what we eat, how we feel can also have an impact on the health of our teeth and gums. Our mood contributes to our oral health. This means quitting smoking and preventing your oral health from decaying or giving up alcohol to maintain oral health, but along with all these measures, you need to take care of your mood to prevent managing the hygiene and health of your teeth and gums. 


Read this blog to learn about the surprising connection between low mood and oral health and delve into how our emotional health can impact oral hygiene habits and mouth health. 

Stress and Teeth Grinding

Constant stress and low mood often reflect its impact on our physical health. A common consequence of stress in a physical way is associated with dental concerns through teeth grinding. Tooth grinding can lead to various oral health complications such as enamel wear, tooth sensitivity and jaw pain. 


You can explore certain dental healthcare techniques to manage the complications and even take dental measures that need to be implemented during festivities to prevent enfeebling the condition. Techniques such as mindfulness or meditation and yoga can enhance your mood and also contribute to oral health benefits by reducing teeth grinding. If these measures do not reflect any improvement, then consult your dentists to get a mouthguard fitted. 


Neglecting Oral Care During Low Mood 

It is absolutely common to divert your path from your regular self-care routine while feeling down or overwhelmed. Taking a break from regular brushing and neglecting regular oral hygiene measures can lead to various oral health complications including tooth decay, gum disease and other dental issues. 


If you don’t have the energy to brush your teeth, you can chew on sugar-free gum all day long to maintain oral health and keep the mouth fresh. 


Chewing is not a replacement for brushing; it is just an alternative for the days when you don’t feel like following a healthcare routine.


The Impact of Medications on Oral Health

Certain medications designed to manage mood disorder or low mood can affect oral health as a side effect. One example of the side effects of the medications is dry mouth, which can contribute to the risk of developing cavities. Consult your healthcare provider or a dentist to address your oral health concerns and manage the effects of side effects by seeking an absolute solution.


The Role of Nutrition in Mood and Oral Health

Every part and organism of your body requires nutrients to function well, even your teeth. Nutrition is the key factor contributing to both mental and oral health. A nutrient-rich diet makes your body happy, enhancing your mood and contributing to resilient teeth and gums. A balanced diet aids various health concerns of the body, including oral well-being. 

Seeking Professional Support

Taking measures to prevent health from deteriorating requires constant efforts and also consultation from professionals. A professional can navigate you through the dos and don’ts of dental health care and comprehensively guide you on how mood is related to oral well-being. These are also some of the reasons why your parents need to know about orthodontic care to ensure optimal health management and reduce the risk of complications at an advanced age. 

About The Author

Dr. Priya Verma

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