Quit Smoking And Prevent Your Oral Health From Decaying

Smoking damages the oral health drastically. It damages all of your body but has visible damage to your gums. Complications like gum problems, loss of teeth, and decay on the roots of teeth are common for people who smoke daily. Quitting smoking is the only option to reduce the risk of gum disease and mouth (oral) cancer. Smoking is terrible for your health but also can be dangerous for your children or parents. The effects of passive smoking can also cause damage to your children’s and parents’ bodies. Visiting a dentist can reduce their risk of tooth decay and gum disease. 


Several awareness camps have stated that quitting smoking has a large number of benefits. In reality, people are aware of but still do not quit smoking. Process of quitting smoking can be started by limiting smoking, or you can take up expert counseling to stop smoking. when you see or feel any symptoms of gum disease or tooth decay, then immediately visit the best dentist in Whitefield and get your oral checkup done. Many people know that smoking causes cancer or breathing problems, but some people are unaware that smoking can lead to bad oral health and tooth decay.  Passive smoking can lead to severe oral health damage to your loved ones, so avoid smoking around people and make quitting smoking your priority to save your oral health. 

Number Of Dental Problems That Are Caused By Smoking  


  • You may experience bad breath. 
  • The outer lining of teeth gets damaged, which results in tooth discolouration.  
  • The buildup of tartar and plaques increases in the teeth and gums.  
  • Smoking leads to white patches in the mouth, which results in an increased risk of Leukoplakia. 
  • You may develop gum disease that further leads to tooth loss at an early age.  


How Can A Dentist Help You Improve Your Oral Health?  


Firstly, the dentist will comprehensively test the smoker’s mouth and assess the damage that has been caused due to smoking. Once the damage is diagnosed, the dentist will guide you through the ways that will help treat your teeth. Foremost, the best dentist in Whitefield will guide you on ways to help you quit smoking.  


Afterwards, quitting smoking and treatments, the dentist will guide you with several dental care tips to maintain the integrity of the teeth.  


  • Use the toothpaste that your dentist prescribes. 
  • Use a soft toothbrush that does not hurt the gums while brushing teeth. 
  • You will be advised to use a mouthwash after lunch and dinner.   
  • Monitor your oral health regularly; visit the dentist immediately if your face swelling and bleeding in gums. 
  • If you still crave to smoke, then start to find ways to quit it or ask your healthcare provider.  

In conclusion, smoking affects your oral health and overall well-being in many ways. Visit our clinic, and our experts will guide you through numerous easy ways to keep oral health intact. Follow our dentist’s guidance and see the change happening in your oral health. Feel comfortable discussing your smoking habit. We will help you quit and provide you with complete support in improving your overall oral health. 


About The Author

Dr. Priya Verma

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