Why are dental veneers used? How many kinds of veneers are available?

Dental veneers are most commonly used when the individual is suffering from a chipped tooth or there are gaps in between the teeth. According to the famous dentist of the dental clinic in Whitefield, “ The dental veneers are the primary choices because of their advantageous nature.” So let’s unfold the aspects of its nature in the following blog:

  • What are the dental veneers and for whom are they beneficial?

Dental veneers are the coverings of the teeth that are placed over the frontal portion of teeth. These are quintessentially beneficial for the following patients:

  • The patients whose teeth are chipped or crooked

  • Stained teeth (Particularly those which cannot be whitened with the bleaching)

  • The patients who have a noticeable gap in their teeth

  • With which material the veneers are made up of? And which veneers will be perfect for me?

The dental veneers are made up of the following materials:

  • Porcelain

  • Composite resin material

It is the dentist who can only tell you which veneers will look best for you. Since a lot of factors have to be kept in mind while choosing the ideal veneers.

Let us talk about the types of veneers in detail

Porcelain veneers

These are the veneers that are made based on the customised needs to be a perfect fit for the teeth:


  • These are firm and will not break in your mouth, so discard that fear.

  • They give a natural appearance to the teeth.

  • Mitigated removal of the enamel as compared to the crowns or the caps

  • These do not get stained at such an early stage.

How are porcelain veneers placed?

  • Step 1: Removal of the enamel

To make the room for the veneer placement, some enamel is withdrawn from both the front and the back sides of the tooth.

  • Step 2: Perfection is sought

To make veneers look aesthetically pleasing, they are made taking into account the exact shade of the other teeth. The dentist will take the impression of your teeth and it customarily takes one week for the veneers to get prepared.

  • Step 3: Placements

Once the shape and size of the veneers come out to be suitable for teeth, then the dentist will place them after thoroughly cleaning the teeth.

Composite resin veneers

The main benefit of these veneers is the exact tooth colony matching following. Let’s study some other benefits also:


  • Fewer visits to dentists will be required as compared to ones that are associated with the porcelain veneers.

  • These are cost-effective.

  • These can be fixed easily if they encounter any kind of damage.

How are composite resin veneers placed?

  • Step 1: Sculpting of the veneers

Once the teeth are reshaped, the dentists carry out the sculpting by particularly using the matching colour.

  • Step 2: Hardening of the material

The special kind of light helps in the hardening of the material and makes it get bonded to your teeth.

  • Step 3: Final touches

This stage involves the smoothening of the veneers to make them inhibit the natural look.

Final thoughts

For the treatment of chipped, crooked, misshapen or stained tooth, consult our dentists who have gained expertise in this field.

About The Author

Dr. Priya Verma

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