Teeth Whitening https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com Just another WordPress site Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:56:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.9 The Miraculous Benefits of a Smile Makeover https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/the-miraculous-benefits-of-a-smile-makeover/ https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/the-miraculous-benefits-of-a-smile-makeover/#respond Tue, 26 Mar 2024 06:12:59 +0000 https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/?p=2246 A smile is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries, and it is often considered one of the most powerful expressions. However, not everyone feels confident about their smile. This is where the transformative journey of a smile makeover begins-a comprehensive approach to enhancing the aesthetics and functionality of one’s teeth. Let’s delve into the world of smile makeovers and explore the incredible benefits they bring.


What is Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a personalized and multi-faced cosmetic dentistry procedure designed to enhance the appearance of a person’s smile. It goes beyond just addressing individual dental issues; instead, it takes a holistic approach to create a harmonious, natural looking, and radiant smile. The process involves a combination of various cosmetic and restorative dental procedures tailored to the unique needs and preferences of the individual.


The Components of a Sime Makeover


Teeth Whitening

One of the simplest yet highly effective components, teeth whitening can illuminate a smile by removing stains and discoloration.

Porcelain Veneers

The shells of porcelain are custom-fitted to the front surface of teeth, correcting imperfections like chips, cracks, and irregular shapes. 

Dental crowns

Caps that cover a damaged tooth, dental crowns restore both functionality and aesthetics, ensuring a seamless integration with the natural teeth.


Straightening misaligned teeth not only improves the smile’s appearance but also contributes to better oral health.

Dental Implants

For missing teeth, implants offer a permanent solution, restoring both the appearance and function of a complete smile. 

Gum Contouring

Reshaping the gums can balance proportions of teeth and create a more symmetrical and attractive smile.


The Amazing Benefits of a Smile Makeover


Boost in Confidence

A smile makeover can significantly boost self-confidence. When individuals are proud of their smiles, they tend to exude confidence in both personal and professional settings.

Enhances Aesthetics

The primary goal of a smile makeover is to enhance the overall aesthetics of the smile. This goes beyond just fixing dental issues; it involves creating a beautiful and natural-looking smile that complements facial features.

Improved Oral Health

Many cosmetic procedures involved in a smile makeover, such as dental crowns and veneers, also contribute to improved oral health. Straightening misaligned teeth and addressing other dental issues can prevent future problems.

Functional Improvement

Beyond aesthetics, a smile makeover can address functional issues, such as difficulty chewing or speaking. This contributes to an overall improvement in the quality of life.

Long-Lasting Results

While the specific duration varis, many aspects of a smile makeover provide long-lasting results. This means individuals can enjoy the benefits of their transformed smiles for years to come.



A smile makeover is not just a cosmetic enhancement; it is a journey towards rediscovering the joy of smiling. The holistic approach and personalized nature of these procedures make them powerful tools for transforming not only teeth but lives. Embark on the path to a radiant and confident smile by scheduling a consultation with the best dentist in Bangalore at Smile Zone.

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Whiten Your Teeth Naturally At Home https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/whiten-your-teeth-naturally-at-home/ https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/whiten-your-teeth-naturally-at-home/#respond Fri, 02 Feb 2024 07:17:45 +0000 https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/?p=1996 Most people do not believe in this fact, but teeth are one of those crucial factors that a person notices while connecting or talking to you. This makes it essential to keep naturally white teeth that can help us improve our personality.

Getting white teeth naturally is possible and an easy task. Let us discuss all the tips and tricks that can help whiten teeth naturally at home.

Factors that make our teeth look dull & yellow.

A long list of factors makes our teeth look dull and yellow. Some of those factors are as follows:

  • Carbohydrates are the first factor because of which you face dull and yellowish teeth issues. This is because when we eat snacks filled with carbohydrates, they break down in the form of sugar when they get inside our mouths and later stick to our teeth.

  • Hence it leads to yellowish teeth and cavity issues.

  • Sugar is the second primary reason behind most dental problems. Sugar makes your teeth look worse, and teeth dullness and cavities are significant issues.

  • Another significant factor that makes your teeth look dull and yellow is your eating and brushing habits. If you constantly eat and do not brush your teeth properly, you will face similar dental health issues.

  • Most of the people don’t like to visit a dentist and that also becomes a crucial reason behind their bad dental health.

Ways To Whiten Your Teeth Naturally At Home

Online you will find several ways to get your teeth white, but they do not offer a guarantee and lead to side effects. However, these natural ways can help you whiten your teeth efficiently.

  • Use Baking Soda:

To get white teeth, you can make a paste of baking soda and water, then brush your teeth with baking soda. Although don’t make it a daily habit, you can use this technique once a week.

Hence you could notice significant results within 2-3 weeks only.

  • Brush Twice A Day:

If you are following a lousy brushing routine, we suggest you brush your teeth twice a day, with the help of which you can notice exceptional results quickly.

Also, whenever you are getting in touch with your Dental Clinic in Bangalore, you can ask them for recommendations about toothpaste that suits your teeth.

  • Keep Control of Sugar & Carbohydrates:

Always track the amount of sugar and carbohydrates you are eating. Both of these things can adversely affect your dental health. But if you are eating sugar and carbohydrates in control, you will also notice positive differences within the first week.


If You are still struggling with it and want teeth whitening in Bangalore, then Smile Zone Dental Speciality Centre is here to help you.

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इन घरेलू नुस्खों को अजमाकर दांतों का पीलापन करे मिनटों में दूर https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/home-remedies-to-remove-yellowing-of-teeth-in-minutes/ https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/home-remedies-to-remove-yellowing-of-teeth-in-minutes/#respond Fri, 19 Jan 2024 05:46:34 +0000 https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/?p=2127 दांत जोकि व्यक्ति के जीवन में बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रखते है, वही अगर इन दांतों में किसी भी तरह की परेशानी आ जाए या ये दांत पीले पड़ जाए तो कैसे हम इन दांतों को ठीक कर सकते है, वो भी घरेलु उपायों की मदद से, तो आपके दांत भी पीले हो गए है तो कैसे आप इन दांतों को ठीक कर सकते है इसके बारे में जानने के लिए आर्टिकल को अंत तक जरूर से पढ़े ;

दांत पीले क्यों होते है ?

  • डेंटल फ्लोरोसिस या 8 वर्ष की आयु से पहले फ्लोराइड का सेवन बहुत ज्यादा किया जाता है, तो यह दांतों में दोष का कारण बनता है। इससे दांतों की कमजोरी, कमजोर दांत, पारदर्शी दांत या दांतों का पीलापन होना शामिल होता है।
  • दाँत पीसने की वजह से भी दांतों में पीलेपन की समस्या उत्पन्न हो जाती है। 
  • धूम्रपान और तंबाकू उत्पादों का जब आपके द्वारा बहुत अधिक मात्रा में सेवन किया जाता है तो भी आपके दांत पीले हो जाते है।
  • चाय कॉफी या अन्य रंगीन चीजों का जब आप सेवन बहुत ज्यादा करते है तो ऐसे में आपको मुँह को अच्छे से साफ़ कर लेना चाहिए नहीं तो आपके दांत भी पीले पड़ जाते है। 
  • वही कुछ मामलों में बात करें तो हमारे दांत कैल्शियम की कमी के कारण भी पीले होते है।

दांतों को पीलेपन से बचाने के लिए आपको बैंगलोर में डेंटल क्लीनिक का चयन करना चाहिए।

दांतों को सफेद बनाने के लिए कौन-से घरेलु उपाय है कारगर ?

  • नीम जिसे दांतों की सेहत को बनाए रखने का बहुत अच्छा उपाय माना जाता है, वही नीम दातुन या नीम के पाउडर की बात करें तो इसको नियमित इस्तेमाल करने से आप अपने दांतों के पीलेपन की समस्या से निजात पा सकते हो। 
  • बेकिंग सोडा भी दांतों को पीलेपन की समस्या से बचाते। इसके अलावा बेकिंग सोडा आपके दांतों पर ब्लीच की तरह काम करता है, इसको इस्तेमाल करने की बात करें तो आप बेकिंग सोडा में पानी मिलाकर पेस्ट बनाएं और इस पेस्ट को 3 से 4 मिनट तक दांतों पर लगा रखने के बाद ब्रश पर टूथपेस्ट लेकर दांतों को सामान्य की तरह से साफ कर लें, जिससे आपके दांत पीलेपन की समस्या से निजात पा सकते है। 
  • हफ्ते में 2 दिन खाना खाने के बाद नींबू के छिलके को दांतों पर घिसने से आपके दांत ठीक हो सकते है। 
  • आधे चम्मच नमक में कुछ बूंदे सरसो के तेल की डालने के बाद दांतों को साफ़ करें जिससे आपके दांत कुछ ही दिन में चमक जाते है। 
  • स्ट्रॉबेरी भी आपके दांतों को पीले से सफ़ेद बनाने में काफी मददगार साबित होती है बस इसको करने के लिए आपको एक स्ट्रॉबेरी को पीसना है और 5 से 10 मिनट अपने दांतों में लगाकर रखना है, और कुछ देर बाद दांतों को धो ले ऐसा करने से आप कुछ ही दिनों में चमकदार दांत पा सकते है।

दांतों को पीलेपन की समस्या से बचाने के लिए आपको उपरोक्त उपायों को अपनाना चाहिए या नहीं इसके बारे में जानने के लिए आपको बैंगलोर के बेस्ट डेंटिस्ट के संपर्क में आना चाहिए।

दांतों के लिए बेस्ट क्लिनिक व सेंटर !

अगर आप भी अपने चमकदार दांत चाहते है तो इसके लिए आपको स्माइल जोन डेंटल स्पेशलिटी सेंटर के संपर्क में आना चाहिए वही आपको बता दे की अगर आप इस सेंटर से अपने दांतों की सफाई से लेकर हर तरह के दांतों से जुड़े ट्रीटमेंट का चयन करते है तो आपके दांत आसानी से ठीक हो जाते है।

निष्कर्ष :

दांतों को चमकदार कैसे बनाना है ये तो आपने उपरोक्त तरीके से जान लिया होगा और दांतों में किसी भी तरह के उपाय को अपनाने से पहले एक बार डॉक्टर का चयन जरूर करें।

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Transform Your Smile With Teeth Whitening https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/transform-your-smile-with-teeth-whitening/ https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/transform-your-smile-with-teeth-whitening/#respond Mon, 23 Oct 2023 06:21:44 +0000 https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/?p=2238 A Dazzling, radiant smile is a universal symbol of confidence and well being. Teeth play a significant role in reshaping that first impression. O44ver time, teeth can lose their natural lustre due to various factors, including aging, dietary habits, and lifestyle choices. The good news is that teeth whitening can help you regain that youthful, bright smile you have always desired. 

The Science of Teeth Discoloration

The enamel, the outermost layer of your teeth, can accumulate stains and discoloration from foods, beverages like coffee and red wine, tobacco use, and even some medications. As you age, the enamel naturally thins, revealing the yellowish dentin layer beneath, which can further contribute to a less vibrant smile. 


The Benefits of Teeth Whitening:

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that offers several benefits, including;

Enhanced Confidence

A brighter smile can boost your self-esteem and make you more confident in social and professional settings.

Youthful Appearance

Whiter teeth can take years off your appearance and make you look more youthful.

Quick results

Teeth whitening typically provides noticeable results in a short amount of time.


It is a non-invasive and painless procedure that doesn’t require surgery or significant downtime.

Customized Approach

Teeth whitening can be tailored to your specific needs and preferences.


Types of Teeth Whitening:

There are various teeth whitening methods to choose from;

In-Office Professional Teeth Whitening

It is one of the most effective ways to whiten your teeth. It involves the application of a high-concentration whitening gel. The results are often visible after just one session.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

At-home teeth whitening options include over-the-counter whitening strips, gels, and custom-made trays  provided by your dentist. This may take longer to achieve results compared to in-office treatments. They are more cost-effective and offer convenience.

Natural Teeth Whitening

Some people prefer natural teeth whitening remedies. These include using baking soda, activated charcoal, or oil pulling. While these methods might help to some extent, they typically offer gradual and subtle results. 


The Teeth Whitening Process:

While the specifics of the teeth whitening process can vary depending on the method chosen, here’s a general overview:


 If you’re considering professional teeth whitening, start with a consultation with your dentist. They will assess your oral health and discuss your goals.


For in-office treatments, your dentist will protect your gums and lips, leaving only your teeth exposed. At-home kits come with detailed instructions for use.


A whitening gel or solution is applied to your teeth. In the case of in-office treatments, a special light may be used to activate the gel.

Rinse and Reassess

After the designated time, the solution is rinsed off, and the dentist will evaluate the results. Multiple sessions may be required for optimal results.

Post-Treatment Care

 Your dentist will provide guidelines on how to maintain your whiter smile and avoid staining.



Teeth whitening is a popular and effective way to enhance your smile and boost your self-confidence. Whether you choose professional in-office treatments or at-home solutions, the path to a brighter smile is within reach. 

It’s crucial to consult with the best dentist in Bangalore at Smile Zone before embarking on any teeth whitening journey to ensure your oral health is in good standing and that you achieve the best possible results. With the right approach and maintenance, you can enjoy the benefits of a dazzling, radiant smile for

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Tips for Maintaining Strong and Healthy Teeth https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/tips-for-maintaining-strong-and-healthy-teeth/ https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/tips-for-maintaining-strong-and-healthy-teeth/#respond Fri, 13 Oct 2023 06:33:08 +0000 https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/?p=2078 Teeth that are robust and healthy are vital for general oral health and a confident smile. Good oral hygiene and regular dental treatment are essential for maintaining the strength and integrity of your teeth. Prioritising dental health should be part of your overall wellness routine, whether you live in Bangalore or Ludhiana. We will present you with important ideas in this blog to help you keep strong and healthy teeth for a lifetime of good oral health.

  1. Regular Dental Check-ups: The Foundation of Dental Health

Regular check-ups with a dentist in Bangalore or Ludhiana are essential for maintaining strong and healthy teeth. These regular checkups enable your dentist to discover any dental problems early on and give timely action. Dental specialists can examine your teeth and perform dental procedures, and provide personalized advice to address your particular oral health needs.

  1. Brushing Twice a Day: A Fundamental Oral Hygiene Practice

Brushing your teeth twice a day is an important aspect of oral hygiene that should not be disregarded. Brush your teeth and gums carefully with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush your teeth in a circular motion to ensure you reach all surfaces. Brushing properly eliminates plaque and food particles, reducing bacteria buildup and the development of tooth decay and gum disease.

  1. Flossing Daily: Reaching the Areas Your Toothbrush Can’t

Flossing is an often-overlooked practice, yet it is critical for keeping teeth strong and healthy. Dental floss cleans the spaces between your teeth and along the gumline that your toothbrush cannot. Flossing minimizes the incidence of cavities and gum disease while also promoting fresh breath. Make flossing a regular habit to obtain complete dental health.

  1. Healthy Diet, Healthy Teeth: Mindful Food Choices

What you consume has a direct impact on your dental health. A diet high in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D promotes strong, healthy teeth. To support good oral health, include dairy products, leafy greens, lean meats, and fruits in your diet. Sugary and acidic meals and beverages should be avoided since they can erode tooth enamel and contribute to tooth decay.

  1. Protect Your Teeth: Wear a Mouthguard and Avoid Bad Habits

Wear a mouth guard if you participate in sports or recreational activities to protect your teeth. It absorbs impact and lowers the chance of dental injuries like chipped or knocked-out teeth. Avoid harmful behaviours such as nail-biting, teeth grinding, and using your teeth as tools. These habits can weaken your teeth, cause chips or fractures, and eventually lead to tooth decay.


Keeping up strong and healthy teeth needs consistent effort and a proactive way to deal with dental considerations. By following these tips, a dentist in Ludhiana routinely, practicing great oral cleanliness, making careful dietary decisions, and safeguarding your teeth from potential harm, you can enjoy a long period of ideal oral health. Keep in mind, a healthy smile isn’t just stylishly satisfying yet also contributes to your overall health. Focus on your oral health and embrace the confidence of a strong and healthy smile.

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How To Get White Teeth In The Dental Clinic And With Home Remedies https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/how-to-get-white-teeth-in-the-dental-clinic-and-with-home-remedies/ https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/how-to-get-white-teeth-in-the-dental-clinic-and-with-home-remedies/#respond Thu, 27 Jul 2023 09:43:13 +0000 https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/?p=2131 Dentists solve all teeth-related problems. Dentists aim to make our teeth healthy and bright. If you have any queries regarding your teeth, then ask the dentist in Bangalore

How does teeth whitening work

If you want immediate white teeth, you can visit the dentist. They provide all information regarding teeth and whitening procedures. They use laser therapy to quickly get results. . to learn more about teeth whitening, consult the best dentists in Ludhiana.

Types of stains in teeth 

Intrinsic teeth stains 

Intrinsic teeth stains that stain under teeth show different colors like yellow and brown. Inherent teeth stains have some causes, such as injuries to the teeth, medical conditions, and genetics.

Extrinsic teeth stains 

Extrinsic teeth stain this type of stain outside the teeth. Cigarettes, tea, coffee, and tobacco harm the outer teeth after consuming these products. Become discolored teeth like yellow and brown.

Teeth whitening option 

There are many kinds of toothpaste available in the world. There is an option for what type of toothpaste helps remove intrinsic and extrinsic stains. Some products include chemicals that make you feel irritated and itching. 

Teeth whitening product 

Teeth whitening products are made using baking soda that helps remove all teeth stains. But long-time use of the chemical-based product can damage tooth enamel.

Home remedies for whitening teeth

If you want natural white teeth, following those steps gives good results for your teeth. They consume some time, but it is a chemical-free product you can buy easily. The first step is oil pulling. Oil pulling helps to remove bacteria in your mouth. The second step is to brush with baking soda. It helps to remove plaque and remove the outer teeth stains. In the third step, hydrogen peroxide helps remove all bacteria and discoloration caused by environmental exploration. A healthy diet is good for teeth. 

Side effect

Irritation in gum:

When your teeth connect with bleaching. It will react to offense and other problems, such as red, swollen, and sore gum.


Using bleaching causes allergic reactions. If you show some response, such as swallowing your face, tongue, etc., you can consult a doctor about this problem. 

Over teeth whitening:

This problem starts with the use of home remedies. Then it becomes more yellow in your teeth.

Try white teeth treatment if you want white teeth. Dentists tell about causes for yellow teeth, like genetics, aging, and lifestyle habits. Most dentists give treatment to adults because they have some side effects. If you want white teeth, then consult with a dentist.  You can also seek help at Smile Zone, which is the best and reputed dental clinic.

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How to Choose a Dentist: 4 Important Factors to Consider https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/how-to-choose-a-dentist-4-important-factors-to-consider/ https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/how-to-choose-a-dentist-4-important-factors-to-consider/#respond Thu, 29 Dec 2022 10:57:54 +0000 https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/?p=1971 There are various aspects to attend to while moving to a new location. Change your address, manage the move, locate a new set of restaurants, decide which grocery stores are the best, and become familiar with the public transportation system. Finding Teeth Whitening in Bangalore is one of the most crucial things on that list.

Finding a dentist in a different nation can be tricky. Fortunately, there are more effective approaches than closing your eyes and pointing at a name in the phone book. Find out what to look for Dental Clinic in Bangalore by reading on.

1. Check the Insurance

When choosing a dentist, one of your main considerations should be to find out what insurance plans they take. Dental treatment can be expensive, particularly if you need fillings or a root canal. Before making an appointment, be sure your dentist accepts the insurance for the entire family.

You might also take a different tack and get in touch with your insurance provider. Ask them which local dentists are a part of their network, and then choose one from that list. While you’re on the phone with them, inquire about any copays you could be required to pay for your medical care.

2. Search for short wait times

Nobody wants to sit around for a long period before going to the dentist. You won’t likely visit the dentist as frequently as you should if going takes four hours out of your schedule every six months. The waiting period may make whatever dental anxiety you already have worse.

Know how long the average wait time is for patients at the dentist’s clinic. Additionally, you might want to look through online reviews to see if any current patients have any comments on the wait times. Find another dentist if you learn that the wait times are an hour or more.

3. Ask Who They See

Some dentists may focus on either pediatric dentistry or geriatric dentistry. Others may focus on cosmetic dentistry or dentistry for adults. When seeking out a family dentist, be sure that everyone can go to the same office.

Ask the dentist if there are any restrictions on the types of patients they will take. If your dentist doesn’t treat small children and you have young children, choose a dentist who can take care of everyone in your family. You don’t want to have to drive everyone around to different dental visits for the next fifteen years.

4. Check the Reviews

Of course, things can look to be alright on the outside, but you’ll learn the truth from actual patients. For the dentist you are considering, read the reviews. Observe the reviews for any recurrent themes.

Reviews should be taken with a grain of salt because unhappy customers are more likely to post them than happy ones. You should be fine if all the reviews are favorable and there is only one complaint that the dentist misdiagnosed them or otherwise treated them poorly. However, if a pattern of reviews saying that the dentist is insensitive or inexperienced emerges, you should probably search elsewhere.

Learn How to Pick a Dentist

One of those things is understanding how to choose a dentist on your own, which may be difficult. Make sure they can accommodate all of your family’s needs and that you are comfortable working there. Of course, you need also to be sure your insurance will pay for the service.


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Teeth Whitening Procedure And Some Natural Tips To Maintain Them https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/teeth-whitening-procedure-natural-tips-to-maintain-them/ https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/teeth-whitening-procedure-natural-tips-to-maintain-them/#respond Tue, 06 Sep 2022 13:59:26 +0000 https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/?p=1881 Are you finding a way to whiten your teeth? 

If yes, then you are at the right place. Learn some insights about teeth whitening and fix your decision.

There are many products you will be able to get in order to whiten your teeth. But we do not recommend you to use over-the-counter products as they might induce certain complications along with it. Instead, you should opt for a teeth whitening from the best dentist in Whitefield.

 Why Take Professional Help?

You should take professional help as it would reduce the chances of ruining anything. With over-the-counter products, you would never know what product you must use to get the desired result. You are not an expert and do not have the required knowledge to perform the task yourself.

This is why we highly suggest you go for professional teeth whitening in Whitefield.

 Apart from that, with over-the-counter products, you will also be unable to get long-lasting results. Consuming certain food or beverages such as coffee might stain your teeth again.

Why Do You Require A Teeth Whitening Service?

One of the biggest reasons for people to opt for teeth whitening is the unrequited desire to look clean and pristine at all times.

It helps people to gain white and spotless teeth that enhance their overall look. A beautiful smile is the key to confidence. Hence it also boosts your self-esteem.

With the help of a teeth whitening procedure, you will manage to get that beautiful smile that you used to hide otherwise. Be confident and flaunt your toothy smile like never before.

It is a cosmetic procedure that has helped many individuals to feel good about themselves. 

Natural Technique To Sustain Your Whiten Teeth

It is vital for you to take extra care of your teeth after your teeth whitening procedure. In such a situation, you must focus solely on using natural products to avoid chemicals. However, make sure to consult your dentist before that. 

  1. Oil pulling

It is an age-old technique that your dentist might suggest too. It is a great way to maintain white teeth while also focusing on sustaining an overall hygienic mouth.

Squish some (a tablespoon) oil into your mouth, preferably coconut oil (avoid sesame or sunflower oil). It is a great way to clean your mouth of all bacteria and maintain your dental health. 

  • Brush your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste

Another technique is brushing your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste concoction and seeing the magic unfold with time.

Baking soda has the same properties that you get from teeth whitening products which is why it is very efficient. 

  • Rub lemon, banana, or orange peels

The last technique is to rub the peels of lemon, orange, or banana directly on your teeth. It is a trick that you should do for at least 2 minutes, then rinse your mouth before brushing your teeth.

These peels contain citric acid in them, which is very good for teeth whitening. 



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]]> https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/make-your-teeth-white-with-easy-steps/feed/ 0 Home Remedies To Get Instant Teeth Whitening Treatment In Whitefield https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/get-instant-teeth-whitening-treatment/ https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/get-instant-teeth-whitening-treatment/#respond Thu, 02 Jun 2022 11:15:59 +0000 https://dentalclinicinwhitefield.com/?p=1778 Have you ever felt embarrassed about laughing or smiling out loud in public because of your yellow teeth? Not anymore; in this blog, we will talk about some instant teeth whitening in Whitefield home remedies. Now you can also enhance your beauty and smile bigger than ever before.

Also, most of the time, people often think that having yellow teeth is a sign of bad oral hygiene. Well, to a certain extent, it is not a fact. But it does affect the self-esteem of an individual. Many people stop smiling in public, but do you know you can get the treatment that will give you the perfect white teeth?

Tips To Make Your Teeth Whiter In 5 Minutes

Given below is a list of points that you might want to follow if you are interested in gaining those flawless white teeth within 5 minutes.

  • Mustard oil and salt

The first remedy you can try for teeth whitening is this unique technique. Mustard oil with salt also helps kill all the harmful bacteria in the mouth for better hygiene. The manufacturer of mustard oil extracts it from mustard seeds, and it has various beneficial uses. People have used mustard oil for ages, especially in the south-eastern region of India, to make hair voluminous and long. So when you mix mustard oil with some salt and apply it to your teeth, it acts as a perfect natural whitener.

Apply one part salt and three parts mustard oil. If you take one tablespoon of salt, you are required to take three tablespoons of mustard oil. After that, you should rub it directly and gently on your teeth for some period of time. With the help of your finger or even a toothbrush, you can gently massage your gums and teeth. We highly recommend you to do this for at least 3 minutes to see the results.

  • Baking soda and lemon juice

Another technique that might help you get instant white teeth is baking soda and lemon juice. If you do not want to try out this temporary technique, you can always visit a professional and seek a long-lasting teeth whitening procedure along with wisdom tooth treatment in Whitefield if needed.

On a small plate, take some teaspoon of baking soda and then squeeze some fresh lemon juice right on top of the baking soda. Keep adding lemon juice till you get the consistency of fine paste. Please get rid of extra saliva from your teeth by wiping them. Take your toothbrush, apply a thumb layer of the paste into your teeth, and rub it gently for a few minutes. After that, let the paste sit on your teeth for some time and then rinse it. Remember, you should not leave for a long period of time as it might affect the enamel of your teeth. In case you do not have fresh lemon juice at home, you can opt for water. Leave the paste for 3 minutes and rinse it immediately.


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