Gum Problems Just another WordPress site Fri, 22 Dec 2023 10:58:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Both Natural And Surgical Technique To Treat Your Gummy Smile Thu, 21 Dec 2023 07:29:15 +0000 Are you done smiling while clicking pictures because it highlights the enormous gummy smile?

Well, you do not have to anymore!

A gummy smile, in retrospect, does not impact heavily on the function of your teeth. However, it undoubtedly affects your confidence and smile. A gummy smile correction Whitefield is solely based on aesthetic purposes. But if it boosts your self-esteem, do not wait any longer and go for it.

It is a safe and easy process that the best dentist in Whitefield will be able to conduct without any difficulty.

Now smile brighter and wider with the help of a gummy smile correction surgery.

However, we have also listed some techniques you can follow at home to reduce the gum display while you are smiling. Let me tell you; it is only possible to achieve if the gum display is relatively small and you manage to follow the rule religiously.

Get Rid Of Gummy Smile Naturally

  • Smile exercise

You can train your facial muscles just like any other muscle in the body. With the help of this training, you can minimize the gummy smile.

The first exercise you should follow is to smile wide with your lips pressed together firmly. Then gradually try to peel the lips apart. You should start from the corners and move towards the center. You will finish with a wide toothy smile. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds, then reverse the process. Close the lips first in the center and move outward

The second exercise is to smooth the wrinkles around the mouth with the help of this wrinkle-erasing exercise. Try to pucker your lips like a fish and suck in your cheeks. Try to smile until and unless you feel a little strain around the lips. Repeat this exercise at least twice a day.

  • Changes with the help of makeup

If you like to wear makeup regularly, then you might succeed in drawing attention away from gummy smiles. For example, try to use neutral colors for your lips and focus more on your eye makeup. This might help you to notice your gummy smile less and less.

However, if you are interested in permanently treating this problem, we highly recommend you undergo gummy smile correction treatment.

Gummy Smile Makeup Treatment

In case the natural way to correct your gummy smile does not work out, then you can opt for interventional treatment. They are much more effective and long-lasting. Here are some techniques the dentist might use to correct your gummy smile.

  • Gingivectomy

It is a surgery that allows the dentist to eliminate excess gum tissue. Gingivectomy is the perfect standard of care for moderate or severe cases of gummy smiles.

Top-notch dental clinics use laser gingivectomy. The laser gingivectomy’s recovery time is much faster than our conventional surgical gingivectomy. It causes less pain and chances of infection and bleeding.

  • Braces

Another way to fix your gummy is braces. Based on the causes of the gummy smile.

The braces would apply pressure to the upper teeth. This does not expose more teeth or shorten the gums. Instead, the braces remold the teeth and the gums as they move. Hence, a less exposed gummy smile after the dentist removes your braces.


Contact Smile Zone Dental Specialty Centre for further details.

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What Causes Bleeding Gums and How to Treat Them Thu, 11 May 2023 15:19:34 +0000 Healthy gums play an imperative role in keeping up with good oral health. However, if you’ve seen your gums bleeding while brushing or flossing, it’s essential not to overlook this symptom. Bleeding gums can be a sign of underlying oral medical problems that require consideration.

In this blog post, we will investigate the causes of bleeding gums and give important experiences in effective treatment choices. Whether you’re looking dentist in Bangalore, understanding the possible causes and looking for help from a dentist is vital for keeping up with ideal oral health.

Common Causes of Bleeding Gums:

  1. Gingivitis: The well-known reason for bleeding gums is gingivitis, a beginning phase of gum infection. Unfortunate oral hygiene, plaque development, and bacterial infections can prompt gum aggravation and bleeding. Regular brushing, flossing, and proficient dental cleanings can help oversee and prevent gingivitis.
  2. Brushing Too Hard: Excessively forceful brushing procedures can aggravate the gums and prompt them to drain. It’s important to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and delicate, circular movements while brushing. Try not to apply extreme pressure that can hurt the gums.
  3. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, menopause, or puberty can make the gums more delicate and inclined to bleeding. This condition, known as pregnancy gingivitis, requires special consideration and oral consideration during these periods.
  4. Medications: Certain medications, like blood thinners, can expand the risk of bleeding gums. If you’re taking any medications, it’s essential to consult your dentist so they can give proper direction and treatment.

Treatment and Prevention:

  1. Good Oral Hygiene: Brushing your teeth two times per day with a delicate soft-bristled toothbrush and using dental floss or interdentally brushes to clean between the teeth can assist with eliminating plaque and preventing gum infection. Regular dental check-ups and proficient cleanings are likewise important for keeping up with healthy gums.
  2. Antimicrobial Mouthwash: Washing with an antimicrobial mouthwash can assist with controlling bacterial growth and lessen inflammation in the gums. Talk with your dentist to track down the most reasonable mouthwash for your particular necessities.
  3. Quit Smoking: Smoking builds the risk of gum illness as well as slows down the healing system. Quitting smoking can significantly enhance gum health and diminish the possibility of bleeding gums.
  4. Address Underlying Conditions: If the bleeding gums endure despite working on oral hygiene, it’s vital to counsel a dentist. They will direct an exhaustive assessment and analyze any underlying oral medical issue that might require explicit treatment.


Bleeding gums should never be ignored, as they often show underlying oral medical problems. By understanding the natural causes of bleeding gums and following preventive measures, for example, practising good oral hygiene and looking for proficient dental considerations, you can keep up with healthy gums and prevent future complications.

If you’re searching for a reliable and experienced dentist in Ludhiana, contact a confided-in dentist in your area to address any concerns and get customized treatment. Keep in mind your oral health plays an important part in your overall health, so contact with your gums for a confident and healthy smile.

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Improve Your Appearance And Confidence With Gummy Smile Correction Fri, 23 Sep 2022 10:36:11 +0000 People often associate cosmetic dentistry with a way to look more attractive. This is why most of them feel that cosmetic dentistry is a shallow form of procedure. To a certain extent, it is a fact, but it is not limited to improving your smile appearance with gummy smile correction Whitefield.

 With the help of cosmetic dentistry, you also gain much more than a good smile and looks. This process allows you to improve your way of living and your social, professional and personal life for the better. Confidence plays a big part in dictating your standard of life. And a smile can enhance it without any doubt.

 How Can A Gummy Smile Impact Your Life?

People are judgemental, and your gummy smile can create a clear negative impact on your life because of them. People who do not have a gummy smile are more likely to be deemed as :

  1. Friendly
  2. Intelligent
  3. Trust-worthy
  4. Self-confident

And all these features help an individual to enhance their life.

Having a gummy smile can decrease your level of attractiveness, according to other people. And if you are not confident enough to deal with that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with upgrading your life for the better. In the end, opportunities will lead you further in life.

 Gummy Smile And Bad First Impression

People might come across your gummy smile over a period of time. But if you are somewhere, for example, in a meeting, where you have only one chance to make a clear impression on others. Having a gummy smile would not help you a lot. In such a situation, it is necessary for you to prove your worth by undergoing a gummy smile correction surgery with the help of the best dentist in Whitefield.

 They are professionals who will give a proper makeover and change your life for the best. No more being rejected over your gummy smile. Gain your confidence with gummy smile correction treatment and see the change not only in your appearance but also in your behaviour.

 How To Improve Your Gummy Smile?

If you have a gummy smile and want to get rid of it, do not worry; we have lots of options for you. Based on the cause of the gummy smile, the dentist will give you the proper treatment that will correct the gummy smile without any complications.

One of the simplest options to correct your gummy smile is laser gum recontouring. This helps you get rid of the excess gums so that you can show your pearly white teeth without any doubt.

But in case your teeth are too small, we would also suggest dental crowns or porcelain veneers build them up based on which is the perfect option for you.

Choose us for your new phase in life. We have a panel of professional and qualified dentists with great cosmetic dentistry experience. Leave behind your gummy smile with us and move further in your life towards a brighter and more confident future.



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Debunking Myths About Gum Contouring Surgery For Dental Health Mon, 27 Jun 2022 11:09:55 +0000 With the help of the best dentist in Whitefield, you can attain that straight, pearly smile like never before. One of the biggest features of a person’s face is undoubtedly their smile. Do not compromise on it for any reason. A damage-less and adequately smile for a proportionate look.

To achieve that look, the dentistry world has introduced a lot of cosmetic procedures, such as gum contouring dentist in Whitefield. 

Gum contouring is basically a surgery wherein the person who has a “gummy smile” undergoes this procedure to get rid of that and proportionate the smile to gum ratio when you notice an excess of gum tissues in your teeth which ultimately makes them look short or worn down.

Excess gum tissues will not let it develop evenly, which is why your smile looks crooked.

But just like any cosmetic surgery, you will also get to hear a lot of myths surrounding it. People will definitely throw some shade at it for no reason whatsoever.

Debunking Myths About Gum Contouring Surgery

These are some of the common misinformation about the gummy smile: 

  • You might just have very small teeth

It is possible for you to have tiny teeth, but you will not be able to tell them without consultation from the professional. There are also chances that excess gum tissues can make your teeth look small in comparison. However, there might be other reasons for having tiny teeth. Some of those reasons include: if you are a chronic teeth grinder, there is a possibility for you to ground your teeth down. Apart from that, genetics also plays a significant role in the length of gums and teeth.

If you are suffering from gum diseases, then also you might notice shortness in the teeth as the gums are inflamed and take up a lot more space. But this problem will not last for long as the gum will start to recede after some time and cause some other complications.

The dentist will perform a series of examinations on your teeth, mouth, and gums, and they will also discuss some of their options for better understanding. You should make sure to ask all kinds of questions beforehand, such as dental implants cost in Whitefield, for clearer instruction. 

  • Gum contouring is an unnecessary procedure.

It is conventionally a cosmetic surgery, but it is not an unnecessary one. Even though some people correct their gummy smiles, there are also patients who want to undergo such procedures to improve their overall health. According to a study, there is a link between teeth and mental health. In case of poor oral hygiene, you might experience depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders. Now, we are nowhere stating that having a gummy smile is equivalent to poor oral hygiene. But there are times when it makes you want to smile less, resulting in low self-esteem and confidence. But with gum contouring surgery, you will be able to improve oral health and confidence.


Smile Zone Dental Specialty Center is ready to serve you excellent dental health and care. For more details kindly contact us.

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What Are Itchy Gums, Its Symptoms, Common Causes, And Treatment? Mon, 23 May 2022 11:32:13 +0000 What’s to know about itchy gums?

In this blog, you will learn some valid facts about itchy gums and their treatment. What can be the exact reasons for such a condition, and what are its exact signs to indicate it?

What Are Itchy Gums?

Gums are basically soft tissue surrounding the teeth, and they also provide the seal around each tooth. In order to protect your teeth, it is necessary to have healthy gums. And itching is an indication of bacteria building up between your gums and teeth.

Itchy gums are not so difficult to treat; with the help of a gummy smile correction Whitefield, you will be able to get rid of itchy gums while simultaneously preventing your dental hygiene.

Although, there are also some cases in which itchy gums are signs of certain serious concerns such as gum diseases.

Getting rid of itchy gum can also improve your smile. With the help of an implants dentist in Whitefield, you can undergo all the proper treatment for a brighter smile.

What Are The Symptoms Of Itchy Gums?

There are many reasons for you to have itchy gums. And each reason might have different symptoms. It is essential to know the signs so that you will be able to diagnose them at an early stage for treatment.

  • It might be an allergy if the itching also affects the roof of the mouth.
  • If you notice red, inflamed, or irritated gums, then it might be an early indication of gum disease. So be careful and observant.
  • You might also experience ache, pain, and even swelling as a result of an injury or tooth abscess.

Noticing light bleeding for a short period of time is quite common, especially for those who just started flossing.

That being said, if you are seeing regular bleeding, then it might be a case of an underlying dental concern that the dentist should treat immediately.

What Are The Causes Of Itchy Gum?

Now let us delve into the causes of itchy gum.

  • The most common cause of itchy gum is plaque that builds ups on the gums and the teeth. They are basically a sticky film that you will find on teeth. They contain bacteria, which break down the simple sugar in the drinks and the foods.
  • If the plaque starts to grow and stays on the teeth, it can become hard, just like tartar. And the worst part is that you will not be able to remove those with a toothbrush or floss.
  • Mild allergic reactions can also cause an itchy mouth. If you are suffering from hay fever, then there is a chance of you suffering from an oral allergy syndrome. The symptoms of such a condition include swelling and itchiness of the mouth, tongue, face, and even throat after you have consumed some raw fruits or vegetables.

Your Dental Health Is Our Priority

Welcome to Smile Zone Dental Specialty Center. We take care of your oral health to brighten your smile

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Oral Health: What are the top possible ways to stop gum bleeding? Thu, 10 Mar 2022 11:24:51 +0000 Do you notice bleeding when you brush or floss?

Don’t let this problem get out of your sight as it’s not normal and it’s a major sign telling that there’s an underlying problem behind it. Some of the possible reasons are:

  • Brushing the teeth too hard
  • Pregnancy
  • Injury
  • Inflammation

Gum inflammation can lead to swelling, redness, tenderness, and there may be an issue of gum disease. If you notice this problem then it’s worth consulting one of the best Dentist in Bangalore to address the problem effectively and make sure that it does not get worse in the future.

Possible ways to stop gum bleeding

Tip 1: Follow a good oral hygiene

Most importantly your oral health needs to be on the right track. Due to bleeding gums, the chances of plaque buildup are the highest. In case brushing and flossing is not a part of your dental regime then it’s an easy way for the bacteria to stay in the mouth and trigger several issues like gum problems or tooth decay. To deal with this issue, it’s essential to:

  • Brush 2 times a day
  • Floss daily

If the problem seems to get worse then schedule an initial consultation at one of the best dental clinic in Whitefield to take the right care of your dental health.

Tip 2: Use hydrogen peroxide to rinse the mouth

Hydrogen peroxide makes a great choice to remove the plaque, boost gum health, & stop bleeding. Make sure that you never swallow this solution. Over time the chances of gum inflammation get higher which can lead to bleeding, swelling, and receding gums. If you don’t know which mouth rinse you should use then better ask the dentist about the same.


Tip 3: Do not smoke

Make sure that you do not smoke as it makes the gum health even worse. Through smoking, the problem is not just with dental health but there’s an increased risk of diabetes, lung health, stroke, and smoking. Moreover, the body’s immunity is affected to a great extent.

Tip 4: Take down the stress level

You have to ensure your stress levels are all under control. Stress is known for affecting the body’s immunity to a great extent and there’s a higher risk of getting several health issues. Just make sure that you do not neglect the health in any manner otherwise the accumulation of plaque will occur to a great extent.

Tip 5: Increase Vitamin C intake

To transform your oral health, you have to increase your Vitamin C intake by all means. By doing so, the immune system gets the energy to fight well against the bleeding gums and infection goes away. Some of the food options worth including in the diet are:

  • Oranges
  • Carrots
  • Red Peppers
  • Sweet Potatoes

Additional tips

  • Rinse mouth with saltwater
  • Include Vitamin K in the diet
  • Drink Green Tea



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