Opg X Ray Centre in Bangalore

Well, with the advancement of technology now, it is pretty effortless to get information about dental health. And if you are also planning to go for a dental checkup, then you can get OPG X-RAY in Bangalore at Smile Zone Dental Specialty Centre. After taking this X-ray, your dentist will be able to get an accurate idea of your dental health.

Moreover, an orthopantomogram X-ray scans the upper and lower jaw, and with the help of this x-ray, the detection of dental issues becomes relatively easy. So you can visit the OPG X-RAY centre in Bangalore or at any nearby place to get information about your dental health.

Read in more depth about OPG X-RAY in the following paragraphs

  • The procedure of OPG X-RAY

When you appear for this x-ray, then you will come to know that an orthopantomogram is a procedure to scan the upper and lower jaw. It is called Orthopantomagraph or Panorex. It provides a broad view from ear to ear, and this x-ray looks like a half circle. In this x-ray, only your teeth are in auto-focus because the x-ray machine makes other areas blur. By taking an OPG, your dentist will be able to know more about your oral health, cavities, fractures, infection, and tumors.

During your OPG, you have to remove all your jewellery above the area of the shoulders. Try to do not to wear any metallic accessories while getting this x-ray because it can cause some problems in the clarity of your x-ray or image. Usually, it takes three minutes to complete your x-ray.

  • Advantages of getting OPG

It provides a broader view as compared to other x-rays, and it is also pretty convenient for patients. Moreover, there are patients who are not able to open their mouths properly because of some issues or restrictions of the doctor. They can also go through this x-ray as it has the ability to scan properly without opening their mouth. Furthermore, it is a time-saving process as it takes a very short time to produce a picture or x-ray. However, dentists also find it an easy way in order to describe and detect dental issues.

  • Why do doctors recommend getting OPG?

Well, there can be several reasons, but the most significant one is to detect all the problems in an easy way. When your dentist is aware of your dental issues properly, then chances are high your treatment will be more successful. Because treating on the basis of symptoms and treating on the basis of root causes brings changes in the results of treatment.


    Final Words

    If you are facing any dental issues, then please do not neglect them, as they can cause some further complications. So visit Smile Zone Dental Specialty Centre to get your treatment. Moreover, they use all modern approaches and also have all types of equipment so you can expect positive outcomes from them.