What are the questions that patients who underwent dental filling usually ask?

The dentists in Whitefield aim at restoring the formation, functioning and aesthetics of the teeth (damaged or decayed) with the help of dental fillings.

According to the oral-care experts, if we maintain great dental hygiene, then we can prevent the risk of experiencing cavities & damage to the current fillings.

In this blog post, we are going to help you out with some of the measures with the help of which you are supposed to take care of your dental fillings:

After how much time, will the filling get eventually set?

There are so many kinds of dental fillings. Each variety is supposed to take a different amount of time to get settled. The importance of being known with the fact of how long it takes for the filling to get set is, for that specific period we have to be very conscious that the damage is not inflicted to the teeth.

Should I take the pain medications?

The doctor will prescribe you the pain medications which are mandated to take if you are in need. To make sure the treated area does not become a matter of botheration for you, you are supposed to take the OTC medications.

Am I allowed to consume food items immediately after the procedure?

The effect of the anaesthesia does not wear off. Since immediately after the procedure, your mouth will become filled up, so you ought not to intake anything until the complete effect of the anaesthesia wears off.

Why should I avoid sensitivity causing things?

You are not supposed to eat anything that is either extremely hot or cold, since even after the procedure, your teeth are sensitive to certain food items. Consuming anything that is quite hot or cold can make you suffer from intense pain and sensitivity.

Are there any restrictions on eating certain food items?

The individuals who have just undergone the filling procedure are supposed to eat only the liquid things. The food items which are very chewy and sticky are to be completely avoided

Am I supposed to chew on the same side on which the operation is performed?

Since it is the filling procedure, chewing anything from the treated side that has just gotten filled up will lead to the failure of the procedure. So it is advised to chew on the opposite side.

Why should I know which are the highest points in the filling?

You need to know about the highest points in the filling. You check on your own about which is the highest point in the filling by biting down. If you know about the high points then it becomes quite easy for you to know how to close your mouth and bite correctly.

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About The Author

Dr. Priya Verma

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