Connection Between Eating Disorder And Unhealthy Dental Hygiene

Eating disorders are a common condition that is seen among people. Some of the eating disorders include binge eating, anorexia, and bulimia. We all know that it negatively impacts our overall health, but did you know how it can also affect your oral hygiene? The symptoms can be either mild to severe, depending on the conditions. Getting professional help from the best dental clinic in whitefield in such a situation would only be the right decision. They would be able to identify the red flags at the right time before it gets too late.

There are multiple studies showing that eating disorders affect the mouth and its health. In this post, we will be learning about some of the symptoms of each condition and how they affect oral health.

What Is Anorexia?

In this condition, people try to limit their consumption of food intake because of the constant fear of gaining weight. Many people who have anorexia connect their self-worth with their weight and caloric intake. Thus leading to punishing themselves by not overeating.

They also restrict calorie intake while simultaneously losing weight, whether by exercise, taking laxatives, vomiting, or using enemas.

What Is Bulimia?

It is basically a binge eating disorder in which the person eats a lot at any given time. They are diagnosed with the help of a binge-purge pattern of suffering. Basically, in order to get diagnosed with bulimia, you would require to pass the two sets of criteria. The 1st is binging, in which you are consuming a lot of calories in one sitting, and the other is purging, wherein expelling calories or food by taking laxatives through an excessive workout or forcing oneself to vomit. All these criteria must be noticed for an extended period of time on a regular basis.

The patterns for specific binge-purge might vary from one case to another. Many people who have bulimia are often considered to be healthy weight signs which is why it is often neglected. The other symptoms that people with bulimia would notice are tiredness, constipation, bloating, irregular menstrual cycle, and abdominal pain.

What Is Binge Eating Disorder?

To put it mildly, Binge eaters are described as food addicts, but now we have a better understanding of this condition. In this condition, the binge eaters would not have any control over their desire to drink or eat what they want in large quantities. They can be either spontaneous acts or well-planned.

They are not typically someone who is overindulging, but rather the guilt tied to them after they eat enjoyable food. Some of the characteristics of binge eating are eating after average speed, eating large quantities of food, eating until feeling uncomfortable, eating when not hungry, and having feelings of disgust, shame and guilt during or after the binge.

How Can Eating Disorder Affect Your Mouth?

Some of the oral signs of an eating disorder include:


  • Enamel erosion
  • Dry mouth
  • Enlarged salivary glands
  • Cracked/dry lips
  • Mouth sores
  • Tooth decay
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Bruising and/or injury to the mouth

You would also require dental implants treatment in whitefield if you do not seek professional help at the right time.


Visit Dental Ludhiana Center for a regular check-up of your mouth if you notice any disturbance in your dental hygiene.

About The Author

Dr. Priya Verma

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