How dental implant treatment is beneficial to improve your smile?

What are dental implants?

Dental Implants procedure is the placement of artificial teeth permanently. If you have lost your tooth, then visit the best dental clinic in Whitefield. There are 3 main parts of dental implants that are mentioned below:

  • The implant
  • The abutment
  • The arch

What are the reasons for getting a dental implant?

Dental implants are done when a person loses the tooth due to many reasons that are mentioned below:

  • Replacement of missing teeth

If you are experiencing dental problems that are mentioned below:

  • Decaying
  • Gum problems
  • Anodontia
  • Medications
  • Chemotherapy and much more.

If you are experiencing any of the above-mentioned problems then consult a dentist who will help you in replacing the tooth.

  • Eating food

If you are unable to chew the food properly due to dental problems. Then it is advisable to get dental implants who will help you in getting vitamins, minerals, nutrients to your body.

  • Boosts confidence

If you are not having teeth then it is normal that you might feel embarrassed. So it is better to get dental implants which will help you in boosting your confidence.

  • Improves the structures of Jawbone

It also improves the structure of your facial expressions. If you are not having teeth then there are chances that you will end up spoiling your looks. In fact, you will end up looking older than your age. So to avoid such things you should visit a professional who will help you in getting rid of your dental problem.

Different cases of dental implant

  • Conventional

Conventional dental implants are types of implants that can be a single tooth, bridge, or full arch.

  • Single

In this, only a single tooth will be implanted in your mouth. The patient has to wait before the final crown can be fitted on the top of it.

  • Bridge

A bridge attaches a crown or crowns over an area where the patient is not having teeth.


  • Full Arch

Some patients require a full set of upper or lower teeth. The replacement of the upper or lower tooth is known as the full arch.


There are people who suffer from major bone loss of bone. In that zygomatic dental implants are beneficial for the person. The dentist will embed these in the cheek bone of the patient.

How do dentists place dental implants?

A dentist will do a CT scan to examine the condition of the mouth of the patient. CT scan will help the dentist in giving the 3-D image of the structure of the bone. Then the dentist will discuss everything with the patient depending upon the condition. They both will fix the dates and plan everything in advance. During the dental implant procedure, the dentist will pull all the existing teeth in the mouth of the patient to make a way for dental implants. It can be one tooth if a patient is going to do an implant of a single tooth, upper or lower teeth, full-arch options are also available for the patient.

About The Author

Dr. Priya Verma

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